About Us

Meet the vivacious artist behind the stunning doodles 😊

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        Elsa Maria Jojo hails from the town of Changanacherry in Kerala. Her mother, the multi-talented Sajini Jojo figures as a huge inspiration in Elsa’s life. Whether it's her cooking skills or painting, Sajini Jojo has more than sparked the love for arts in her daughter. An introduction to our artist would be incomplete without mentioning her pillar of support β€” her father, Jojo James. Elsa has two younger sisters, Treesa and Christa who share her penchant for all things artsy.

     β€œMy inspiration stemmed from the same world as most students β€” College life. Those incessant lectures in the backdrop of boisterous classroom chatter and 100 slide presentations constructed my ideal environment to zone out and start doodling. While concepts like the law of diminishing returns were drilling holes in our brains, I always managed to find the escape hatch that gave full rein to my creativity. Boredom delightfully turned out to be my catalyst for creative expression!”

- Elsa Maria Jojo

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